Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hot Healthcare Job: Occupational Therapist Assistant

Here's a great combination:  a job that features the opportunity to make a direct impact upon patients and excellent job opportunities and compensation to boot.

Occupational Therapist Assistant

"Occupational therapist assistants and aides work under the supervision of occupational therapists to provide rehabilitative services to persons with mental, physical, emotional, or developmental impairments. The ultimate goal is to improve clients' quality of life and ability to perform daily activities. For example, occupational therapist assistants help injured workers re-enter the labor force by teaching them how to compensate for lost motor skills or help individuals with learning disabilities increase their independence...Employment is expected to grow much faster than average as demand for occupational therapy services rises and as occupational therapists increasingly use assistants and aides. Job prospects should be very good for occupational therapist assistants."

According to the Occupational  Employment Statistics from the US government, the median (middle) salary for occupational therapist assistant is $55,830 (as of 2009).

Nurses and Physician Assistants Fill the Gap

In Arizona and elsewhere, nurses, physician assistants, and other healthcare workers fill the gap left by a ahortage of primary care doctors.

Primary-care doctors in short supply in Arizona, nation

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Nurses Who are Doctors

From the Philadelphia Inquirer:

Nurses who are doctors
More are earning the doctor of nursing practice degree.

Read more:

Pharmacists Take Larger Role on Health Team

From the New York Times (free login may be required to view)

Pharmacists Take Larger Role on Health Team
Published: August 13, 2010
Drugstore pharmacists are taking on more responsibility for monitoring patients with long-term illnesses.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pharmacists Outside the Pharmacy

If you think pharmacists only work behind counters in drugstores and supermarkets, this video may surprise you.

Job openings for healthcare workers start to fall

Healthcare has been one of the few growth areas for employment in the U.S. recently.  Things may be changing, however:

Allied Health Careers with the VA

There's a lot to be said about working for the federal government.  The Veterans Administration hires allied health professionals.  Check out their page here: